Nachbarschaft Selbstgemacht

6.Co-Design Treffen – Nachbarschaft Selbstgemacht


-Short recap of project’s process
-Present updates to design:
-Design will be divided in a month-long process in different phases to complete the design:

  1. Urban garden boxes and green barrier
  2. Stage
  3. Self bearing structure
  4. Greening
  5. Paint on the floor
  6. Shadowing
  7. Information boards

-Workshops and meet-up will be the basis for this process: The intention is to make the building process as integrative and enjoyable as possible for the community. Everyone should have the chance to contribute in the building process.

-Present the building calendar with milestones and working blocks:

17.May – Pick up and collection of pallets for Green barrier
18.May – Brunch + Infoabend: Was Passiert am Schützenplatz?
20-25 May – Building of the green barrier in 15 modules of 120x80x h90
26.May – Transport of Garden boxes from Hobbyhimmel to Kernerviertel
27.May-01.June – Building of stage in Hobbyhimmel
02.June – Transport of Stage from Hobbyhimmel to Kernerviertel
20.May-01-June – Building of the self-bearing structure
03-07.June – Transport and assembly of structure on Schützenplatz
05-08.June – Workshop: Garden boxes painted by artist: Laura Díaz
06.June: Infoabend: Was Passiert am Schützenplatz?
08.June – Feierabendbier: The structure is finished
09.June – Malaktion: Der Schützenplatz ist bunt
11.June – CASA Jour Fixe
13.June – Collection of textiles for Shadowing
14.June – Workshop Club International: Greening Schützenplatz
15.June – Workshop Shadowing: Schattenspender
16.June – CASA Brunch + Opening event: Neue Schützenplatz


-NG and RK: will provide water from their household through a hose and into the water container
-CH: The current CASA bookshelf and the concrete base for the waterpipes should be integrated in the design and as a workshop for the community
-FS: Trees should stay in their place since they are too heavy to be handle by the team during the workshops.
-CH and FS: Garden boxes should be reinforce with a diagonal board before moving them. Selbstgemacht team needs to organize a Toro/Pato/Cargador de Pallets to be able to move them


-GN will help with transport. Stadtmobil
-PB: Labyrinth will be quite busy during our next month but they could join the program with a Theater rehearsal on 12.July
-PB: To obtain electricity from the public outlet we need to contact the EnBW to obtain the permission of usage and hire a professional electrician to instal the connection. This process, according to her experience with Labyrinth festival costs around 400 Euros.
-MH: She will share with her circle of contacts the project and inform that there will be a free space for artist. We agreed, in order to obtain more responses from artist, that the program is still flexible and they should proposed the most suitable date for them.


-CH: We need to inform the neighbourhood in a more active way, expand the mediums. Flyers + Posters + Website + Social media
-CH: Recommends that communication language needs to primarily be german. English will stay as second language keep the possibility open to include non-native speakers into the project
-There should be separate flyers to inform about the events and to inform about the building process
-FS: Next CASA Brunch should be used as a Infoabend to communicate the project.
-PB: Recommend to put information boards as soon as the area is closed for parking to improve communication
-MH: Posters in A3 should be hangt and distributed in cafes and shops near Schützenplatz